Wednesday, March 31

Breakfast was strawberry toasted buns from Yaowarat with jackfruit. Presided over by a kitchen gnome. We had a kind do you say... stupid journey this morning. Roman wanted to go to the Apple store to get an issue with his computer looked at, and I saw that next door to that shopping mall complex was a shopping mall complex I wanted to go to on Easter Bunny business. Kitties of Si Lom So we headed out...and when we got to the BTS station, we realized Roman had left his computer at home. We decided to forge on anyway, splitting up when we arrived to check out the different shopping complexes. And then we both walked up to shuttered buildings--neither mall opened until 10:00am. It was 8:30am. And then Roman's phone wasn't able to send texts, so it took us some time, and some wandering in the already-rising-heat, to find each other again. Stupid . We headed to a Cafe Amazon (a local chain) in one of the malls to get Thai iced teas. The people in front of me in line ...