Sunday, September 26

On Fridays we eat doughnuts…but when we headed down to the little alleyway under the freeway on Friday morning, our doughnut guy wasn’t there! There were a lot fewer carts out than usual, and we finally remembered Friday was a public holiday. We decided to try one of the other fried treats carts, and got some fried bananas, purple sweet potato balls, and sesame balls. There weren’t just-fried and hot, like our usual doughnuts, but they were still pretty good. Then in the late morning, I headed to the Big C near Ekkamai for some household odds and ends. Afterwards, I stopped for lunch at a little eatery and had dim sum for one…gai lan with oyster sauce ( too much oyster sauce! ) and shu mai: On the way home, maybe because lunch was not that good, I stopped at the crepe cart in front of our closest 7-Eleven, and got one of the stacks of coconut pancakes I’ve been eyeing for a while… On Saturday morning, we headed to Khlong Toei market, where I finally bought some of the rice cr...