February 27, 2022
It’s been a couple weeks, and I feel like I ought to post to catch you up, but where to start? The school year is coming to an end. All last week, the K3 students got dressed in their bright red polyester robes and posed for pictures in the main school building, with their class, and outside with their teachers (the above photo is me dressed in a borrowed shirt and blazer for the photos with the teachers). For two weeks, the parents of the different classes came in to observe us teach and to meet with us. On three separate days, I had a large group of parents watching me work with the students through the windows, and it felt…awkward. Luckily, the students were mostly well-behaved (and in the class where they weren’t, I don’t think it was super obvious). And the meetings with the parents went fine—I would meet with a group of K1, K2, or K3 parents, and would talk about each of their kids, one-by-one. I had no guidance on how to do this, except what I got from talking with my fell...